The first five years of a child’s life are crucial stages of development, and choosing high-quality childcare is a big decision for mums and dads. With over 8000 choices across the country, it’s important that you get it right, yet so often we see centres making the same mistakes.

Experience counts

John Wall’s experience encompasses every aspect of the childcare profession, from start-ups to growth and purchase and set-up to sale. For more than 20 years, John has specialised in the strategic analysis and development of sustainable childcare centres, focusing on encouraging happy children and healthy bottom lines.

John Wall Childcare is family-owned and operated and managed by John and his wife Julie alongside their son Jono. Jono has been working in the background and the backyards of centres across the country, and as an ex-carpenter, has been responsible for some incredible wood working components in many of the centres’ playgrounds. Jono joined the team last year and now also specialises in managing new start-ups alongside his dad John – who is an inspiration and a great teacher!

The team are supported by some of the most expert and experienced external contractors who have worked alongside John designing, building, managing and operating some of Australia’s most successful Early Learning Centres. In fact, the John Wall Childcare team has assisted over 400 owners and investors to date in managing their childcare centres effectively.

John has also worked with many highly respected and well-recognised childcare organisations, including taking an active role in shaping the industry as an Australian childcare expert. From working alongside international investors to sitting on the floor with three-year-olds playing, John’s approach is simple. He is not just strategic, knowledgeable and passionate, he is the biggest kid in Australia!

Putting children first

John’s philosophy when it comes to childcare is simple – put children first. He believes children are capable of extraordinary things and that there is no happiness gene, no success gene and no ‘doer of extraordinary things’ gene. The potential for happiness and greatness lies in all children, and will mean different things to different kids.

He also believes we can’t change the fact that children will face many challenges along their life’s journey. What we as parents, carers and advocates can do is give them skills that build their resilience so these challenges never break them. In his opinion, resilience is being able to bounce back from stress, challenge, tragedy, trauma or adversity, and when children are resilient, they arebraver, more curious, more adaptable and more able to extend their reach into the world. The most amazing part of resilience is that it can be nurtured in all children by allowing them to be free to choose how they learn and entertain themselves.

The heart of childcare

John also understands what parents want to see at a childcare centre and helps to develop facilities that encourage real play and prepare kids for their future. Your childcare ‘story’ should inspire families and give them a reason to drive past other centres so they bring their children to you. Centres should strive to be world famous in their area through ‘real’ play and choose the attitude that they’ll be the Best in Care and Education.

So if you’re after the best advice in the industry, you’ve found it with John Wall Childcare!

How we can help

John Wall Childcare has the experience, knowledge and know-how to help those after strategic advice in the childcare sector, including:

  • New build start-ups – What’s the right design and configuration for your location?
  • Your location – Is your site demographical supported and is there a genuine need in your catchment area?
  • Design - What is the best design for your children and the community?
  • Playground Design – How much fun can a child have in one day?What is your point of difference?

They can also assist with:

  • Due diligence reports
  • Purchasing and selling advice
  • Financial modelling
  • Business planning
  • Construction and project management advice
  • Operational andbusiness management advice

What's your childcare story? Tell us now.

Contact John Wall – 0439 770 400 or email

Contact Jono Wall – 0400 438 700 or email